Following the launch of “YOUR CHANGE WILL MAKE A CHANGE” in Jamaica support is growing so much…
Mrs. Nordia Newman Porter, Teacher at the Petersville All Age School is a great supporter of the efforts of KASSSI, both at the school and in the wider community. Photograph to the left shows her posing with a collection drum.
One will be left at the school is to be managed by Ms. Keisha Reid (the liaison officer for the breakfast club).
With the help of students from each class and Mr. Antony Kennedy (KASSSI `s new volunteer to the school), the drum will be taken around at intervals, parents, visitors, teachers & friends will be reminded of “YOUR CHANGE WILL MAKE A CHANGE” $JM dollar is all we ask.
Kings Primary School, the first school to adopt the “YOUR CHANGE WILL MAKE A CHANGE” idea has decided to name the collection receptacle “Boxiesha” maybe it`s the shape or as so many girls names ends with the phrase “eisha “ e.g. Keisha, meisha, etc.
Posing with ‘Boxiesha” above is Mr. Paul Fowler the only father present at a recent Parent Teacher meeting.
Students of Kings Primary school with Teacher Mr. Scarlet.
New Hope School are set to provide us with more information on their efforts to embrace the initiative shortly!