The KASSSI Recognition Wall

KASSSI appreciates any and every donation to the cause; this ‘Wall’ is our way of recognising the contributors and their generosity. Thank you!

Notable donations from various organisations include over:

We currently have a series of people making contributions via direct debit which total £110 per month. Our ‘Your Change will make a change’ initiative, fundraising using penny collections, has begun to gather serious momentum. The record for a single collection currently stands at the mamommoth £ 288.37, received from Lennox! A special mention goes to the previous holder Ross who amassed a total of £ 53.66 with his highest denomination being a 5 pence piece.

[DDET Click here for the full list of all the penny donations!]



Duncan W- £17.43 +£7.29 + £31.57 + £24.09

Johanna F-W- £26.10

Lennox E- £44.07 + £288.37 + £147.53

Angela P- £2.42

Abdi H- (Ali) – £5.98

Paulette (W-J) £9.90 +£13.64 + £3.98 + £6.54 +£21.05 + £32.60 +($56)

Ansaaf and John- £90.97

Marcia H- £13.70

Monique and Phil- £20.64

Juliette O’B – £2.19 + £4.96 + £2.96 +£8.04 £3.36 + £4.98

Robert W – £9.05 + £40.88 + £12.00

Gemma T – £4.61

Stella (K-W) £8.00

UKTI+ Rob W- £13.00

Bristol Carnival + Paulette W-J- £9.42

Ross- £53.66

Senna- £1.03

UKTI + Rob W- £4.49

Rachel, Ben, Judith (Family)- £25.00

Garth Walcott + Southwark staff- £47.92 + £62.00 + £20.37 + £43.37 + £25.00 + £71.00 Jar sales inc. + £69.72 + £27.00

Natalie, Janet, Vimbai, Koos, Trish, Jackie, Andrew, Joanna, Eleisea, Sonia, Heidi, Natasha, Teia, Linda

Beverley and Romaine- £17.28

Marjorie and Raymond- £4.78

Bridget (Loy)-£21. 69 + £11.40

Philip B- £8.19

Rhonda (St L)- £4.31

Susan- £10.00

Mehdi – £1.00

Ionie D – £8.22

Vivette B – £9.29

MRCS Staff + Paul R-T – £15.00

Stefanie R – £8.02 + 78 Euros

Admin staff Southwark- £3.29

Janet F- £2.07

Ted M + Mrs and Mr Garwood – £10.12 + £3.20

Grandma and Granddad Francois- £4.73

Charmian E- £8.01

Naomi EB £1.00

David W- £20.00

Tony (TJ) – £ 2.20

Hal F aged 5 3/4- £2.98 Amanda NLP

Martin Collis – £1.34

Sporting Club Balham – £5.77

Benjamin Francois- £63.00

Macks Chemist Penge High Street £13:82

JW’s £10.29

J. Computers £10.00 (Paula)


We at KASSSI are extremely grateful to the contributors listed below for their ONLINE donations – automatically updated by PayPal.