Helping the Children

School Breakfast Clubs

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is with this in mind that we have started the Breakfast Club initiative to give children the best start to their school day, increasing their energy levels, performance and attentiveness for learning.

Three schools are currently being supported by KASSSI with programmes being undertaken such as Breakfast Clubs and subsidised school  Transportation Services.

Supporting Schools

Our focus is connecting communities through improving the lives of rural children. For this reason the vast majority of our projects have focussed on working with schools.

  • Kings Primary School. Currently has a Breakfast Club programme for 60 children per day at a cost of $30 (JMD) per child.
  • Petersville All Age School. 30 of the most needy students attend this Breakfast Club daily at cost of $50 (JMD) per day.
  • New Hope School. Work began with the New Hope Primary, Juniors and High School in 2010 after receiving a request from guidance school councillors.

Advancing Healthcare

Highlighting the importance of nutrition and health

Health centres and doctor’s surgeries are often located in conurbations, leaving those in the more rural  areas with little or no options for health care provision.  KASSSI aims to raise the awareness of  the diseases and ailments that blight the lives of many in our communities.

Programmes such as the  ‘Your Health – Blood Pressure‘  awareness drive are initiatives that target the diagnosis and management of conditions such as diabetes, HIV aids and high blood pressure.

Helping the Aged

Recognising their contribution to our lives and communities

KASSSI also aims to recognise the many invaluable contributions made by grandparents in the areas of child care, financial or material aid and emotional family support.

KASSSI will continue to elicit their views, as in the case of Brother Jake or ‘Mama’, in an attempt to re-establish them and to respect their seniority as they have contributed enormously and consistently. Hence the terms GRAND and GREAT-GRAND; we can all benefit greatly from their advanced maturity and generational wisdom.

Community Building

Building Communities

KASSSI will develop a long-term programme of action for delivering sustainable communities in the Westmoreland area of Jamaica.

By renewing and strengthening the ties within the community, projects and initiatives can be fostered for the betterment of all. The recently constructed Petersville Learning Centre is a prime example of such an initiative.


Sustainable Communities: Building for the future

KASSSI hopes to develop into a resident-driven, community-building initiative that is self- serving. In order to create positive opportunities and outcomes for all of its residents, KASSSI aims to give the Westmoreland parish community a ‘hand-up’ not a ‘hand-out’.
