Petersville All Age School Report from Janice Bowes-Wellington

September 1, 2014

Re: KASSSI Children’s Charity Progress Report 2014.

It has been tried and proven that breakfast is the most essential meal of the day. Breakfast breaks the night’s fast and gets the body in motion for the days activities; making it ready to work.

In days gone by, teachers have noticed that most of the children who sleep in class, are disruptive, have poor attendance rates, experience poor concentration and displays aggressive behaviors. Children complain of not feeling well, and perform poorly in their schoolwork, having not received breakfast before coming to school. Some of the reasons for this are lack of finance and distance from school.

On realizing the adverse effects that this issue has on these children and their learning outcome, Petersville All Age School has embarked on a mission to provide breakfast to students who are unable to eat at home before coming to school. One of the major driving forces behind this program is the KASSSI Children Charity Organization. The school has partnered with the organization so as to ensure the continuance of this major and beneficial program. The organization donates both cash and kind to the school.

Presently, breakfast is prepared by the school’s cook four days per week; Mondays to Thursdays, between 7:30 am and 8:00 am. A teacher is assigned to oversee the program and ensure that breakfast items are sourced prior to preparation time and meal plans are developed. There are approximately thirty-one students on roll who are a part of the breakfast club. Students become members through recommendations by teachers, self referral and or by parents’ request. The teacher overseer will peruse each case and add them to the list as she sees fit.

For breakfast students receive, dumplings, bread, tea (Milo, cocoa, mint, lasco), fritters, corn beef, sausages, salt fish and baked beans, calaloo, sardine and mackerel. These are selected based on students’ request and needs. Items are bought from a $ 1500.00 per week budget.

As a result of the breakfast program class attendance and punctuality have steadily risen by 33.4% and 27.5 % respectively, since the beginning of the program to the ending of the 2014 school year. Students’ performances have drastically improved and there have been fewer fainting spells during or after devotion. The Petersville All Age school family is most gratified for the overwhelming support from our donor, especially the KASSSI Foundation. Your support has been a blessing. Students have been sensitized that this foundation has been helping them to stay in school and at one point, a teacher overheard a student saying: ‘mi nuh know weh mi woulda do without breakfast a morning time’, as she sipped her mint tea.

The Petersville All Age School would like to use this opportunity to once again profusely thank this foundation for the support given throughout the school. You have helped to keep the school doors open, change lives, save lives and promote learning. We look forward to continued partnership with you and may heaven continue to bless this foundation.

Thank you

Janice Bowes-Wellington.


Written by

Ted is the KASSSI website's administrator and along with Benjamin Walcott who is responsible for the development and management of the site.