Rob Walcott, JAMATE

Rob is the KASSSI Treasurer and JAMATE member

I am the last and only one of ten siblings born in England. Growing up I heard many stories about the difficulties and real life hardships living in rural Jamaica from my parents and brothers and sisters’ perspectives. I often imagined what it was like and what would have become of the family if our parents had not traveled to England. However, all throughout my childhood there was much talk of returning to retire in Jamaica, it’s almost as though these preparations actually began before leaving.

I think the regular references to Jamaica by family members in everyday life had a profound effect on me. There was always letters, packages, parcels and money being sent to Jamaica. There was always a “partner” (small savings plan) the proceeds of which invariably was Jamaica bound. As far back as I can remember giving to people in need was normal.

As an adult I have grown to understand the “magic” in giving. The mindset required to acquire sufficient possessions to share with a neighbour is good. Many Jamaicans send money, barrels of food stuffs, clothing, books etc home every day, indeed remittances are second only to tourism in Jamaica revenue.

KASSSI has sought to place this well meaning giving within a modern recognizable framework. By going the extra mile in becoming a registered entity with the UK Charity Commission I expect other like-minded organizations and individuals to have the confidence to join in. By doing something for others it gives me a sense of purpose and grounding and the opportunity to make a difference with a small effort that has the potential for huge impacts to peoples’ lives. We might not be able to change the world but through our efforts we can affect the life chances of children and families in rural Jamaica starting in Petersville, Westmoreland.

I have traveled extensively to Africa, Europe, Far East & The Americas in my experience our needs are identical whether in third world, developed or emerging markets there is a real risk of permanently leaving behind an ever increasing percentage of the populous whose base needs are not being met. The disparity between the rich 1% and the other 99% of us is alarming.

Now living in Jamaica I am utilising my familial connections, business experience and the knowledge gained from working in several UK Government Departments to support KASSSI’s aims and objectives.

Written by

Ted is the KASSSI website's administrator and along with Benjamin Walcott who is responsible for the development and management of the site.