Denise Walcott -Secretary

MSc, BA(Hons), PG cert Education , PG cert Public Health, HV, RGN.

I have always been interested in the concepts of health intertwined with education and as such have undertaken numerous positions that have afforded such opportunities.
As part of my own journey I have discovered and recognised my own creativity and determination to overcome obstacles and have a drive to enable others to use whatever tools they have to move themselves and others forward.
I am passionate about promoting education with the understanding that health and social care factors in communities can also determine success. In other words nothing works in isolation. The chance to work on initiatives and projects enhancing education and health opportunities and capabilities of vulnerable families, homeless people, asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors, has provided ample opportunities to instigate this premise.
As a lecturer I have explored with practitioners from health, social care and education how they could apply creative solutions in their day to day work.
Having visited Petersville, Westmoreland and seen first-hand some of the challenges and opportunities for improvement, I was eager to contribute to an organisation that could help the community.
The principles that KASSSI is built on are dear to my heart. Consequently I am both committed and delighted to be involved in this initiative

Written by

Ted is the KASSSI website's administrator and along with Benjamin Walcott who is responsible for the development and management of the site.