Benjamin Francois-Walcott

Bsc (Hons)

It was my parents’ (Garth and Denise) strong belief in the fact that education opens doors that led me down a path of pursuing educational attainment up until the achievement of my bachelor’s degree. There is no doubt that appreciating the importance of education has presented me with more opportunities than I would have had otherwise. For anyone to progress you need to know what you’re aiming for; and I am pleased to be involved in helping others make the most of what skills they possess.

I’ve always gone out of my way to make my small contribution. As well as holding charity fundraising positions, throughout university I was involved in a project that helped bring micro financing opportunities to people in Madagascar. I also volunteered at a local primary school on a weekly basis so as to help children with their reading. Each one of those experiences has been largely positive for me and has meant that I continue to devote portions of my time to charitable activities.

Within the organisation I have been able to use my I.T knowledge to help spread the word of KASSSI. Alongside Ted I developed this very website and I utilise my social media knowledge to run the Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as assisting with event promotion.

I have confidence that KASSSI will continue to grow for years to come and I look forward to witnessing the good things that happen when everyone devotes just a little bit of their time to helping someone else out.

Written by

Ted is the KASSSI website's administrator and along with Benjamin Walcott who is responsible for the development and management of the site.