KASSSI Volunteer accepts teaching position

Anthony Kennedy

Anthony Kennedy

In the community of Whitehouse, Westmoreland, Jamaica, there was an educated but unemployed 23 year old youth named Anthony Kennedy.

Having applied to institutions with a willingness to relocate for the correct position, but failed to acquire one. After a year not having any success, I decided that volunteering would still allow me to have a positive impact on the young minds in and around the area. Upon making this decision I sought to get assistance in the form of cash support for out of pocket expenses to and from the Petersville All Age School, located in the cool hills of a nearby community that I chose to do service based on the needs of the students’ literacy and mentoring. After speaking with a number of individuals, I was referred to KASSSI a local and International charity working within this school offering support.
This referral was made through Mr. Michael Jackson (JP), a friend and supporter of KASSSI. Lady Sadie “as I call her,” (she is in fact a founder member of the charity) along with the members of her team, didn’t hesitate to take me on board. It was through this partnership that ripples became waves and my talents and abilities were exposed.

Students from Kings Primary School - 3rd Form

Students from Kings Primary School – Form 3

After a full year of volunteering and loving it, miraculously a position became vacant at a sister schools that KASSSI also supports. During the interview with the Board of Kings Primary School, I was reliably informed that my time spent volunteering at the Petersville All Age School and in the community spoke volumes to my ability to interact with all stakeholders involved, including students and staff. It was at this point that I realized the true value of having a volunteering spirit and having KASSSI embrace it.

I give thanks to this organization for allowing me be a part of this worthwhile initiative. Now being gainfully employed at the Kings Primary School I remain focused and loyal with all intentions to continue excelling up the educational ladder.

KASSSI for today, tomorrow and through those of us who benefited forever.

Written by

Ted is the KASSSI website's administrator and along with Benjamin Walcott who is responsible for the development and management of the site.