Monthly Archives: July 2011

  • Petersville Learning Centre

    A modest rectangular building sits adjacent to the principal’s office at the Petersville All-Age School. From the front, it has a formidable grilled window, a heavy wooden door is affixed to the entryway, and gray stucco coats the outside of its walls. With the exception of a row of neatly placed potted plants and a Continue Reading

  • Goals – at Elmers End

    KASSSI Cup 2011 12 teams fought it out (not literally!) in our annual 5-A-Side Football Tournament in July 2011 for the honour of being awarded the KASSSI Cup. Once again the tournament was held at “GOALS” Elmers End Beckenham. As well as players, there were numerous spectators who turned up to both support the charity Continue Reading

  • Old Palace School Mufti-Day

    Mufti-Day at Old Palace Rachel Francois-Walcott, (Garth’s daughter) has been a pupil at the Old Palace School during her primary education. She has always been immersed in the discussion and dialogue surrounding KASSSI for quite some time and in an effort to support the charity, she suggested that KASSSI should get involved in promoting and Continue Reading